+44 (0)20 3150 0710 [email protected]


Getting things right from the outset is critical to the success of your business and your projects. Caliba can help you with all aspects of construction works pre-contract.

Procurement and Tender Management 

Getting things right from the outset is critical to the success of your business and your projects. Caliba can help you with tendering all kinds of construction works pre-contract. Allow us to help when you are awarding works to sub-contractors, builders and suppliers.

We review your drawings and other contract documentation and draft a scope of works which is concise and thorough. Be certain tender queries are effectively resolved, and tenderer exclusions are eliminated before contract award. This will ensure potential variation claims are kept to a minimum.


Have you ever had a project lose money?

Make sure this doesn’t happen again. By working with us, you can be sure you are pricing your tenders and projects accurately.

If you are bidding for work, we can prepare your quotations and make sure you include all the required documentation. We know what employers are looking for. Let us help you deliver tenders which stand out above the rest. Ensure you have the competitive edge needed to win work.

vALUE engineering

Have you ever had an architect design something which, whilst nice, costs a lot of money? Wouldn’t it be great to achieve a very similar detail at a fraction of the cost?

By continually assessing and refining your project objectives, Caliba will help you identify what matters most. Allow us to help you interrogate the design to achieve maximum savings without a reduction in quality.

In value engineering, all too often quality is lost to a focus on cost. Caliba understands the importance of maintaining the quality you expect from your project.


We can measure the various elements of the works from the architect’s / other consultant’s drawings. From there, we can provide bills of quantities used for tender submissions.

If you are a sub-contractor or builder, we can aid and maximise variation pricing.

About us

As Chartered Surveyors, you can have confidence in the fact that we are Regulated by RICS.

Our terms and privacy policy.

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